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There are 1 results of your search for Mickey Weston.

Mickey Weston

A large stomach due to too much drinking. Also a Bay Window: I saw his Mickey Weston coming before he rounded the corner.

Contributor's comments: I knew chap by this name who was a big gambler at the Rocklea Trots. He also had a big stomach. When he wanted a belt he would buy two and have a bootmaker friend of his sew about nine inches into the back section. His wife who was a good sewer used to have to make all his shirts and trousers. Mickey was a regular practical joker and caught many a copper with some wise crack or other. When we used to rib him about his "paunch", he used to reply that they don't put bay windows on shit houses. He must be dead by now as I have not heard of him for a few years. He did have a huge stomach and I wonder if it is named after him as it is from Brisbane.

Contributor's comments: My Dad used to have a go in big belly contests around Ipswich and local areas. He used to call them Mickey Wessons.