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There are 1 results of your search for fizzog.


failure, disappointment: This show is a bit of a fizzog.

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] Comparable to 'fizz' or 'fizzer' used in the same way.

Contributor's comments: [Perth informant] "Fizzog" to us in the 50s and early 60s was a "cracker" (firework) that didn't go off: the fuse burnt down and then -- nothing. (We had "Tom Thumbs", "Double Happies" and "Penny Bombs" -- when they just went "phhhttt" instead of "bang", they were called "squibs").

Contributor's comments: Growing up in Perth, my mum used to say this all the time. If something was a fizzog, it failed kind of limply, rather than spectacularly - "Well, that party was a complete fizzog".