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There are 1 results of your search for gilgie.


noun another spelling for jilgie, an Australian freshwater crayfish, of the genus Cherax. Compare clawchie, crawchie, craydab, crayfish, lobby, lobster, marron, yabby. Also, gulgie.

Contributor's comments: When we were kids around Goulburn NSW in the 50s we called them craybobs, not included in your list of synonyms for gilgie but similar to craydab.

Contributor's comments: There are 4 types of freshwater crayfish in WA: Marron, Gilgies, Koonacks and Yabbies. They are all distinct species.

Contributor's comments: I was always under the impression that yabbies (the word I use), jilgies and koonaks were the same thing. Marron are certainly different and a lot bigger.