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There are 1 results of your search for ginder.


haircut; used in Bunbury WA in the 1960s. Is it still known there? Several explanations of the origin [exist]: Pop down the barber's for a ginder. Also, ginda.

Contributor's comments: School kids used to say to any of their schoolmates who'd just had a haircut particularly if their hair had been cut very short "You've been Gindered". These of course predated today's trendy short hair fashion. Ginder was the surname of a boy who had attended local schools. He was one of those people who are unfortunately hairless.

Contributor's comments: Not 100% sure...but think it was an Alf Ginder, who had very little or no hair. Thus a 'ginder' was a number one haircut.

Contributor's comments: I have left a comment about this word in the Guestbook. "Ginder" derives from the name of one Arthur Ginder, a resident of Bunbury in the 1960s, had a medical condition which caused him to lose all of his hair. Hence the use of the word to denote a haircut [a loss of hair].

Contributor's comments: ginda - a haircut: You need a ginda.