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There are 1 results of your search for top of the wozza.

top of the wozza

To be judged as being in a number one position or to be leading a long-runing competition: I'm top of the wozza in the boss's eyes. Or: I'm top of the wozza in the footy tipping competition.

Contributor's comments: My grandfather, a WW1 veteran, used the phrase "Top of the Wazzar", to mean - best quality, best of its kind etc. For example he would say " the holiday flat was top of the wazzar". I later found out that in Cairo, the best and most expensive brothels were at the top of the wazzir!

Contributor's comments: The expression is correctly "top of the wozzie," and is indigenous to Western Australia. I was informed while living there that Wozzie is a contraction of West Australian, or West Aussie (in the same way as we say Windies when referring to the West Indies). Thus "top of the wozzie" meant originally the best in the west - or simply the best. The expression is used almost exclusively these days as a response to "How are you today?" ... reply: "Top of the wozzie, mate, never felt better."